My Mains Include: Sesshomaru , Kouen from Magi, Wallace from Pokรฉmon, Ryoma from Fire Emblem.As I get more comfortable I will add on to this

My Main sona for right now is Apollonia, my other being Rosemarie. Both of these characters are near and dear to my heart. They have personality traits that are my own, share my body type. They are essentially me but under a different name at this point

Dandelions - Ruth B.This song fits very well with both of my sonas in terms of everything that I wish for them.

Given how Apollonia and Rosemarie are very much my sonas it goes without saying that I love seeing them happy, it makes me feel bubbly.
But I also love seeing them sad because angst is secondhand nature to me. So most if not all of their stories will have a sprinkle or two of angst and sorrow along with passion and love!

Thank you so much for reading!Just a little side note, I love ocxcanon and I do not want anyone around me that is a minor or someone who is going to be intentionally disrespectful. If you cannot respect me then do not be around me.